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Actualizado: 19/02/2019 01:54h Guardar En 2012, cuando el latín ya era una rara avis, el filólogo y diputado nacional por el PP de La Rioja Emilio del Río comenzó a desgranar la influencia de esa lengua en nuestro día a día en Radio Nacional de España. Lo hacía (lo hace) semanalmente en el programa «No es un día cualquiera», en una sección que lleva por nombre « Verva volant », literalmente, «las palabras vuelan». Y tanto. Aquello congregó a una audiencia considerable y curiosa, y muchos profesores de instituto comenzaron a usar su voz para atraer a los alumnos al estudio del latín. Ahora, varios años después del inicio de aquella aventura, Emilio del Río recupera ese afán divulgador en « Latín Lovers. La lengua que hablamos (aunque no nos demos cuenta) » (Espasa), un libro que parte del humor y del anecdotario histórico y lingüístico para acercar el latín a todo el mundo. «Es un libro provocador. Lo que pretendo es hacer ver hasta qué punto tenemos presente la cultura clásica y el latín en nuestras vidas.

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Top reviews from the United States There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Reviewed in the United States on April 6, 2016 Verified Purchase What's impressive is that the author delivers a lot of very good, practical advice, in a logical order, in so few pages. Many text books would take a few hundred pages and be less clear. I'll give you one example: many books discuss the "non sequitur" fallacy and give an example where the "non sequitur" is wildly off point. Weston uses a much more realistic and useful example where the non sequitur is quite subtle because it has lots of facts about the topic -- but does NOT speak to the point it pretends to support. If you want to learn more about this subject -- or ANY subject -- you should read other books, too. But with this book alone, if you refer to it as you write, you, as a student or an adult, can learn to think more clearly and to write more clearly. I ordered a copy for each of my children. It's a book they'll use in middle school, high school and college.

La amante del vikingo michelle styles

Top reviews from United Kingdom There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 5 August 2020 Verified Purchase I'll preface this with saying this is only my opinion about this book. I'm always honest about my feelings and this one really didn't do it for me at all. This ended up being one of the most ridiculously convoluted books I've read in a long time. Honestly, the more I read, the more it annoyed me until the point where it just became utterly stupid and unrealistic on every level. I can only suspend my disbelief for so long and this tested my patience far too many times. I ended up hating pretty much every single character in this book. Rika was so irritating. She was weak as hell despite everyone going on about how strong she was. I'm sorry, but even though she was pissed off with the horsemen for what they were doing to her, she still let them do it. She went along with EVERYTHING! Like how is that a strong heroine? Also she just forgave Michael even though he never apologised for what he did.